Personalized software development

Our company’s primary profile is the development of personalized software. The purpose of personalized software development is to deliver a solution Your firm needs, tailored to Your exact demands.

The key part of unique software development is to deliver a solution without any compromises. We deliver a system that meets Your exact requirements, without any unnecessary interfaces or functions. This system serves and supports You in the most efficient way in every aspect.

The most important elements of personalized software development:
  • Requirement specification creation

    The requirement specification describes the exact functional and non-functional requirements of the future product.

  • System planning

    We prepare the system plan based on the approved specification. The system plan specifies the software and hardware architecture of the system.

  • Development and implementation

    The development of the system is done during this phase.

  • Integration and testing

    The aim of this phase is to integrate the developed modules and to test the functionality of the system.

  • Documentation

    We develop the administration guide and user guide for the system in this phase.

  • Hosting and support

    The last phase of the software development process is the hosting of the system and to continuously provide the necessary support.