
en-co software

„German quality, Hungarian price”

Senior developer daily fee: 350 EUR

Lead developer daily fee: 500 EUR

Since its foundation in 2008, en-co software ltd has grown into a 50 employee organization dealing with personalized software development. We believe that providing quality service to our partners is the key to o ur success.


The main profile of EN-CO Software Ltd. is personalized IT Solution planning and development, and the management of the entire process.

Our team of highly qualified professionals uses the latest technologies during software development. In addition to delivering high quality IT services (for example personalized software development, portal development, web application development, CMS /content management system/ development, mobile application development, webshop development, hosting and IT consultations), we aim to fully satisfy the needs of our clients, and build long term relationships regarding both the IT services and business solutions.

Our colleagues are working with passion and commitment, in cooperation with each other and our clients. During the development phase, we pay special attention to creating a user-friendly interface.

Every step of our projects, from design to delivery, is handled with care. Our clients are fully aware of the results they will get, and the related costs, at the start of each project.


Our aim is to deliver IT solutions that serve our clients’ individual needs, so they can achieve the highest profits possible. We pay great attention to our clients, and mutually agree on a decision about the necessary development steps.

A software development project poses a great challenge to the customer, so, with our experience and knowledge, we do everything to find the best solution for our customers.

We understand and respect the goals and expectations of our clients, and, by cooperating with our clients, we provide the best solution possible. We develop our systems by the most flexible means, paying appropriate attention to the future, designing and developing these systems with a modular structure. Our goal is to build lasting relationships with our clients.